This section was put together by Pierre Monnet, Philippe Depreux, Olivier Richard, Thomas Lienhard and Mathieu Olivier as part of their work at the Mission Historique Française en Allemagne (recently: Institut français d’histoire en Allemagne). It has been designed in a generalist spirit and so makes no claim to be exhaustive. Information on German sites can also be found in many of the thematic pages of Ménestrel.
We would also point out that it is difficult to define ‘Germany’ in the medieval period. We have chosen to include all sites here which are useful in exploring this area, whatever their national affiliation. So you shouldn’t be surprised to find Austrian, Belgian, Dutch, Swiss or websites of other nationalities in this section, since they are useful to the historian interested in medieval Germany.
The Institut français d’histoire en Allemagne of Frankfurt (former Mission Historique Française en Allemagne of Göttingen) is one of the 28 French research centres abroad which are dependent on the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Its purpose is to help researchers and students (from the level of the Maîtrise or Masters onwards) who wish to work on Germany or to make a research trip to consult German archives or libraries. It also finances colloquia and publications when their Franco-German character justifies it. The IFHA covers periods from the Antiquity to the 21th Century.
The Centre Interdisciplinaire d’Études et de Recherches sur l’Allemagne (Interdisciplinary Centre for Study and Research on Germany) offers similar possibilities.
On the German side, the available grants are coordinated by the Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst. Amongst the offers available, particularly worth noting are those proposed by the Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung, which offers mobility grants for research in Germany, accommodation for academics and German language courses.
Created in 1997, the Université Franco-Allemande plays a specialist role in Franco-German academic relations. Its objective is to reinforce cooperation between France and Germany in the area of higher education and research. To this end, the UFA is devoted to promoting communication and exchange between higher education institutions in France and Germany, notably by providing support for bi-national career paths and for Franco-German programmes of doctoral and research training. Through its help, many curricula already connect French and German universities: in the field of humanities, you can find the list here.
For more information about studies in Germany, courses of study and funding opportunities, as well as for many other useful points about living in Germany, many study guides are available online, in particular “History in Germany” [fr] proposed by Falk Bretschneider and Mareike König, and “Study and research in Germany” [en] provided by the German Service for academic Exchange (DAAD).