Bibliothèque nationale Széchényi Library
Langues : Anglais, hongrois
Bibliothèque de l’Académie des Sciences
Langues : allemand, anglais, espagnol, hongrois
Bibliothèque de l’Université Eötvös Loránd
Langues : Anglais, hongrois
Information à propos des manuscrits
Bibliothèque nationale de littérature étrangère et collections musicales
Langues : Anglais, hongrois
Bibliothèque numérique hongroise (MEK)
Langues : Anglais, hongrois
La MEK rassemble des documents sur la Hongrie et l’Europe centrale, dans les domaines de la culture, de la formation et de la recherche universitaire. La bibliothèque est constituée de documents fondés sur le texte, mais n’exclut pas d’autres types de données comme les cartes, les partitions musicales, etc. Périodiques et revues sont également disponibles, ainsi que des liens vers d’autres ressources, services et documents concernant les bibliothèques.
Bibliothèque numérique d’études hongroises
Langues : Anglais, hongrois
Catalogue commune de la Hongrie
Langues : Anglais, hongrois
KözelKat WebPac System
Langue : hongrois
La collection orientale Lajos Ligeti
Langue : hongrois
Base de données de livres orientaux ; organisation de conférences ; étude de l’établissement des Magyars en Hongrie (depuis 896, dans les Carpates).
Database of Archival Documents of Medieval Hungary
Languages : English, Hungarian
Since most of the primary sources of Hungarian medieval history are archival sources (mostly charters), this is the most important database for every researcher on the topic. It contains the digitized images of every archival document, nowadays preserved in Hungarian, Austrian, Croatian, Romanian, Serbian and Slovakian archives, which were issued in the historical territory of Hungary before 29th August 1526, the Battle of Mohács, which is considered to be the end of medieval Hungarian history. To use the database one has to install a little program AAGISView, which the website automatically offers at the first visit. An alternative access with short introduction in Engish is also available.
Digital Library of Medieval Hungary
Languages : English, Hungarian
This database contains the most important publications of charters regarding medieval Hungarian history.
Arcanum Digitheca
Languages : English, Hungarian
The Arcanum Digitheca contains the previously published issues of the most important periodicals (not only from the field of history but it contains most of the periodicals mentioned under ’Periodicals’). Access is available for subscription, the fee is 20 EUR/month (autumn 2015).
Languages : English, Hungarian
Hungaricana contains various thematic databases, the most noteworthy here is the Public Collection Library, which contains the most important publications (series, periodicals, etc.) of cooperating Hungarian museums and archives, for free.
ELTE Digital Institutional Repository
Languages : English, Hungarian
Contains documents of the Eötvös Loránd University, e.g. doctoral dissertations, codices preserved in the Library of Eötvös Loránd University, etc.
Ludovicus Carbo, De divi Mathiae regis laudibus rebusque gestis dialogus
Languages : English, Spanish, Italian, Hungarian
Facsimile web edition of a Corvinian Codex with study in English, Hungarian, Italian and Spanish, as a cooperation of Hungarian Academy of Sciences and Studiolum Publishing.
Digital Archive of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Language : Hungarian
Digitized volumes of the former „Tractates” series of the Academy, which contains many important publications on medieval Hungarian history.
Online publications of the Institute of History, Research Centre for the Humanities, Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Languages : English, Hungarian
Recent publications of the Institue of History (HAS), available online, some of them are important handbooks for medieval Hungarian history.
Languages : English, Hungarian
Online published videos of conference lectures, etc. in Hungarian (the website is available in English too), not only from the field of historical studies.