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  • Universities in Lithuania

    Rimvydas PETRAUSKAS, Vytautas VOLUNGEVICIUS, 18 May 2015 | 27 January 2010

    - Vilnius University (Vilniaus universitetas)
    The Department of Ancient and Medieval History (Senovės ir viduramžių istorijos katedra) within the Faculty of History engages in research on the history of the Middle Ages and mainly concentrates on the history of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania (13th-18th centuries). The department has developed a programme that allows students to take a degree in medieval studies. The main research themes of the department are social history, history of christianity, history of law, history of towns and Magdeburg rights. The department is also home to the Lithuanian Statutes and Lithuanian Metrica group (Lietuvos Statutų ir Lietuvos Metrikos tyrimų grupė), whose researchers work on and publish the Lithuanian Statutes and the Lithuanian Metrica (volumes of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania’s chancery archive). Some research into the Middle Ages is conducted in other departments within the Faculty of History, including the Department of Archaeology (Archeologijos katedra), the Department of the Theory of History and History of Culture (Istorijos teorijos ir kultūros istorijos katedra), and the Center of Stateless Cultures (Kultūrinių bendrijų studijų centras).

    - Vilnius Pedagogical University (Vilniaus pedagoginis universitetas)
    The Faculty of History is home to two departments with scholarly research interests in the history of the Middle Ages and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania: the Department of Lithuanian History (Lietuvos istorijos katedra) and the Department of General History (Visuotinės istorijos katedra).

    - Vytautas Magnus University (Vytauto Didžiojo universitetas) (Kaunas)
    Research in the Department of History (Istorijos katedra) in the Faculty of Humanities ranges over a wide period, with some of the academic staff concentrating on the history of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. Special attention is also given to the local history of Kaunas.

    - Klaipėda University (Klaipėdos universitetas)
    In the Department of History (Istorijos katedra) in the Faculty of Humanities the programme is oriented towards the history and prehistory of the Baltic states and region, and courses are available in medieval studies. The history of the Baltic Sea region, Lithuania Minor, and Samogitia during the Middle Ages receives special attention, as does the archaeology of the medieval period.

    Klaipėda University has also established the Institute of Baltic Regional History and Archaeology (Baltijos regiono istorijos ir archeologijos institutas). The Institute’s main task is to investigate the history of West Lithuania, Samogitia, Lithuania Minor, the Klaipėda region, and the Baltic region.

    - Šiauliai University
    Research undertaken in the Department of History (Istorijos katedra) in the Faculty of Humanities focuses upon the history of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and Samogitia, and medieval archaeology.

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  • Research Centres in Lithuania

    Rimvydas PETRAUSKAS, Vytautas VOLUNGEVICIUS, 18 May 2015 | 27 January 2010

    - The Lithuanian Institute of History (Lietuvos istorijos institutas)
    This is the main historical research institute in Lithuania. In 1990 the Department of the History of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania (Lietuvos Didžiosios Kunigaikštystės istorijos skyrius) was created within the institute. This department pays special attention to the history of medieval Lithuania. The Department of Archeography (Archeografijos skyrius) pursues a programme of publishing the Lithuanian Metrica and other historical sources (Old-Ruthenian, Latin, Polish, German). The staff of the latter department also research various aspects of the history of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania.

    - The Castle Research Centre „Lietuvos pilys“ (Pilių tyrimo centras „Lietuvos pilys“)
    Archaeologists, architects, and historians of this research centre explore the history and architecture of Lithuanian castles (principally those in Vilnius). The staff also collect material evidence relating to the history of the castles in order to contribute to restoration and reconstruction projects.

    - The National Museum the Palace of the Grand Dukes of Lithuania
    This museum is not only an educational institution situated in Vilnius but also a research center. The center consists of several subdivisions : archaeology, architecture, archive, culture and art history, and restoration groups. The museum organizes annual international scientific conferences which focuses on problems of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and international relations with other european countries and royal houses.

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