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  • Introduction

    Diego AMENDOLLA SPINOLA , 17 mai 2015

    Various courses of medieval history are given in many Mexican university institutions. In general medieval studies are present in the different plans of History, Art History, Philosophy and Literature. There is a lively interest in medieval studies in the Mexican Academy, particularly in the Western Middle Ages.

    Medieval studies in Mexico owe their origins to the efforts of Antonio Rubial García, Concepción Company Company and, most recently, Martín Ríos Saloma. These professors have launched different academic projects that have promoted the study of the Middle Ages over the last forty years.

    Educational conferences, seminaries, and lectures around Western Middle Ages are held annually in several Mexican universities. In addition, various research centers have created investigation groups, whose priority is the investigation, diffusion and teaching of medieval history.

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  • Institutions

    Diego AMENDOLLA SPINOLA , 20 octobre 2015 | 17 mai 2015

    Mexico has many universities, but Medieval Studies are present only at one of these.

    Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM)
    Languages : Spanish, French, German, Japanese, Chinese, and Portuguese
    Since 1954 the Philosophy and Letters Faculty (FFyL) of the UNAM has given courses of philosophy, history and medieval literature. Through the departments of Modern Literature, Philosophy and History, medieval studies have been one of the formative axes of undergraduate and graduate students. Currently, Master and Doctoral studies feature an area of study in Ancient and Medieval studies.

    Seminario de Estudios Históricos sobre la Edad Media (SEHSEM)
    Language : Spanish
    SEHSEM was founded in 2009 by Dr. Martín Ríos Saloma as a focus of the Programa de Apoyo a Proyectos de Investigación e Innovación Tecnológica (PAPIIT) project “El mundo mediterraneo y su proyección atlántica. Entre Medievo y Modernidad (s. XI-XVII)”. This seminar began with the intention of having a workspace and discussion of medieval civilization for three main functions : discussion, linkage and dissemination. The main aims are :

    • The debate generated by the participation of specialists, exposure and criticism of the member’s investigations, and discussion of current studies on medieval themes,
    • Creating links and academic networks with institutions in Mexico and over the world, and
    • Dissemination of medieval history through conferences, symposia, translation, film shows, book launches and social networks.
      Sessions are held at the Institute of Historical Research of the UNAM the last Wednesday of every month from 5 to 7 pm. A couple of times per semester internationally renowned researchers participate in the seminar.

    Seminario Interdisciplinario de Estudios Medievales (SIEM)
    Language : Spanish
    Founded in 2006, the SIEM was created as a forum for the study of and research in the history and literature of the Middle Ages. Four times it has been supported by the Dirección General de Asuntos del Personal Académico of UNAM through its PAPIIT programme (every time its name has changed) :

    • “Seminario Interdisciplinario de Estudios Medievales” (Interdisciplinary Seminar of Medieval Studies ; IN 403 806),
    • “Seminario de Estudios de historia y literatura del Occidente Medieval” (Seminar of West Medieval History and Literature Studies ; IN 403 908),
    • “Seminario de Cultura Escrita del Occidente Medieval : crítica y análisis de textos” (Written Culture of West Medieval Seminar : texts review and analysis ; IN 404 211) and
    • “Seminario de fuentes, transmisión y recepción de la historia y la literatura de la Edad Media” (Sources, transmission and reception of the Middle Ages History and Literature ; IN 404 414).
      The seminar consists of teachers and students from various institutions, both domestic and foreign, who have carried out numerous projects recovery, translation and study of medieval texts. Its effort joins other academic groups interested in studying various aspects of medieval civilization in order to consolidate medieval studies in Mexico. Because of the complexity and richness of this field, the involvement of specialists and scholars from various humanistic disciplines has become necessary. This has enriched the possibilities of analysis of the sources.

    Seminario de Estudios de Narrativa Caballeresca (SENC)
    Language : Spanish
    In a short period, several hispanistas have developed an interest in the analysis of chivalric narrative. Therefore a group of academics has developed a seminar in order to conduct a rigorous, thorough and formal study of chivalric narrative, expanding knowledge of the texts that make this genre, especially the books of Hispanic chivalry and knightly short fiction.

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  • Mexican Portals

    Hanno WIJSMAN, 17 mai 2015

    Seminario de Estudios Históricos sobre la Edad Media (SEHSEM)
    Language : Spanish
    This site was designed and created by young researchers as a space for the diffusion of medieval studies in México. The purpose of this website is to show academic investigations performed by young medievalist of different academic levels (Bachelor, Master and PhD students). It gives the whereabouts of libraries with specific collections on the Middle Ages, a section of bibliographies on various topics, and a section with useful links sorted by topic.

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  • Journals and publications

    Diego AMENDOLLA SPINOLA , 17 mai 2015

    Medievalia :
    Language : Spanish
    Multidisciplinary academic journal specializing in the Middle Ages. The material published can be grouped into seven major categories : i) art, ii) science, iii) philosophy and religion, iv) history, historiography and society, v) language, vi) literature, and vii) mentalities. The peer reviewed journal publishes research papers in any Romance language and English.

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