"Lietuvos istorijos metraštis" (The Year-book of Lithuanian History)
Published in Lithuanian with summaries in English or German.
The principal scholarly journal of Lithuanian historians since 1971, this annual publication includes research articles, historical sources, book reviews, and discussions about academic conferences, ethnological and archaeological expeditions.
Lithuanian Historical Studies
Established in 1996, Lithuanian Historical Studies is an annual historical periodical which publishes articles, research notes, conference reports, and book reviews that consider topics related to the history of Lithuania and its relationship to other countries. It also provides information about recent publications, important historical sources, scholarly activities and specialist conferences in Lithuania.
"Lietuvos istorijos studijos" (The Studies of Lithuanian History)
Published in Lithuanian with summaries in English.
The periodical is published by the historians of Vilnius University twice a year. All publications are available online.
"Istorija" (History)
This scientific historical journal has been produced in Vilnius since 1958. Since 1991, it has been published by the Vilnius Pedagogical University. It is issued in four volumes each year. Since 2006 issues have been accompanied by a digital version of the journal on CD-rom.
"Senoji Lietuvos literatūra"
This continuous publication, issued by the Institute of Lithuanian Literature and Folklore since 1992, publishes critical studies, articles, and editions of old texts. The main focus of this publication is the older literature of Lithuania.
Lietuvos Metrika (The Lithuanian Metrica)
The publication of the Lithuanian Metrica, the volumes of the chancery archive of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, is undertaken by the Lithuanian Institute of History and Vilnius University.
"Lietuvos Metrikos naujienos" (News of the Lithuanian Metrica)
This scholarly newsletter is a supplement to the Year-book of Lithuanian History (until 2002 a separate newsletter existed). Produced in Lithuanian and Russian since 1997, the newsletter provides overviews of published volumes of the Lithuanian Metrica and reviews recent research on the Metrica.
"Lietuvos magdeburginių miestų privilegijos ir aktai" (Privileges and Acts of the Lithuanian Magdeburgian Towns)
This series has been published by the Lithuanian Institute of History since 1991. An ongoing collection, the series publishes privileges and documents relating to the history of the Magdeburgian towns in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. By 2008 six volumes had been published.
"Lietuvos miestų istorijos šaltiniai (Sources of Lithuanian Town History)"
An ongoing publication issued since 1988, this series publishes historical sources and scholarly articles on the history of the towns of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. By 2001 three volumes had been published.
"Istorijos šaltinių tyrimai" (Studies in Historical Sources)
This new series on the research of historical sources has been issued by the Vilnius University and the Lithuanian Institute of History since 2007. The first volume was published in 2008.
"Lietuvos pilys" (Lithuanian Castles)
Languages : Lithuanian, English, Russian
Continuous publication issued since 2004. The main topic of the journal is the history of the castles of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. Articles analyse particular objects or groups from different points of view: historical, archaeological, architectural, military. The geographical space of research encompasses the former territory of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and its objects from 13th to 18th centuries. The questions of cultural heritage are also discussed, especially conservation and representation of historical objects.