Below are listed three societies and associations that group researchers and others interested in the field of (western) medieval studies.
The Korean Society for Western Medieval History
This society is the center of the medieval studies in South Korea. Founded in May 1996, it now includes the majority of medievalists working at research institutes in South Korea and abroad. It issues twice a year its official journal, Journal of Western Medieval History (SŎYANG CHUNGSESA YŎNGU), and holds regularly its colloquia, discussion forums and conferences. It has also organizes the Korean-Japanese Symposium on Medieval History of Europe the first meeting of which was held 1988. It has been inviting renowned foreign researchers as well, constantly widening and strengthening its international network. The web site includes contributions to the journal and papers read in its meetings and conferences (in Korean, English, German, French).
The Korean Society of Medieval Philosophy (Societas Philosophiae Mediaevalis Coreana)
The Koran Society of Medieval Philosophy was founded in 2003. Notwithstanding its short history this society is rapidly growing as center of the studies of medieval philosophy in Korea, issuing its official annual journal, Medieval Philosophy, and organizing conferences and discussion forums. The articles published in the journal, the majority of which is written in Corean with an English summary, are available on the Corean website RISS.
Medieval and Early Modern English Studies Association of Korea
The Medieval and Early Modern English Studies Association of Korea succeeded to the Medieval English Studies Association of Korea which began April, 1991 on the initiative of a small group of researchers with a shared interest in medieval literature. From its inception, the Medieval English Studies Association of Korea had held regular conferences. Since 1993 it had been publishing an official journal, Medieval English Studies. In 2002 the association was renamed as the Medieval and Early Modern Studies Association of Korea in view of the need to widen its membership and area of interest, and the journal accordingly retitled as Medieval and Early Modern English Studies. The association now holds conferences and publishes the journal twice a year in spring and fall. Since 1999, it has been sending representatives to the annual International Medieval Congress held in Kalamazoo, Michigan; it also organizes sessions in the Winter Conference of the English Language and Literature Association of Korea. The articles published in the journal, written in Corean or in English, always provided with an English summary, are available on the Corean website DBPIA.
The South Corea page has been created in 2009 by Bee Yun and is since 2014 continued by Sung-Wook Moon.